Friday, February 27, 2009

Golden Retriever or Newfoundland

I would love to have a Newfoundland. My husband likes the Landseer (black and white) variety. I like the brown ones too. These are huge dogs! They can be 150 pounds and I've read that they can fling doggie drool up to 20 feet!! *shudder* That and their tendency to "save" people from drowning whether they are truly drowning or not, are the only downfalls of the breed that I found. As per temperment, I keep reading, "gentle giant," "sweet," and "devoted." I think that personality wise, this breed is a fit for our family.

That said, my son wants a Golden Retriever. He thinks the puppies are "cute" and he really doesn't look much beyond that. I think that Goldens would also have a mild personality, but really, the dog we choose now will most likely be in our household past the time that my son is even living at home. Is it selfish to get the dog I want? My husband says our son can get a Golden Retriever when he buys his first house. LOL

1 comment:

  1. Me thinks you should get the dog YOU want since it is A) you paying for it B) you taking care of it C) you training it D) if you don't like the one you get you only have yourself to blame. LOL
